Your Friendly Guide to the Future
Envelope A line styled icon from Orion Icon Library. 1


Make your meetings magical with AI πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»βœ¨

A robust AI notetaker to transcribe, summarize, analyze your meetings. It easily integrates into Zoom, Google Meet, etc. We are fans and usersπŸ”₯

Decktopus Decktopus


A user-friendly AI-powered presentation generator that helps you create presentations quickly (Capterra Shortlist 2022)

Calendly Calendly


πŸ”₯We love this toolπŸ”₯ Calendly is a best-in-class scheduling automation platform with team-based scheduling, solutions and integrations for every department. πŸ“†βœ¨

Your friendly guide to the future...

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