Your Friendly Guide to the Future
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The go-to directory for entrepreneurs looking to build out their AI toolkit. We do the product deep dive, so that you can focus on growing your small business

✨ CustomGPT ✨ CustomGPT

✨ CustomGPT

The MIT Entrepreneurship program uses this chatbot--and it's our favorite. It's a no-code, privacy-first, business-grade bot that helps save businesses lots of time. The bot is trained on your data; can be used internally for teams or publicly for customers; and includes hybrid live-agent integration.

Tidio Tidio


A dynamic no-code hybrid AI chatbot, includes live-chat and ticketing options. πŸ€–βœ¨

LiveChat LiveChat


LiveChat is a robust chatbot platform that delights customers and fuels sales (Integates with Zoom and many others). πŸ€–βœ¨

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